A Discussion About Varsity Scouting


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Varsity Scouting can be fun. In fact, it is a blast for many teams and it can be for your team too.  There are always up days and down days, especially with new team leadership. But over all, young men can create a vision and set it into motion with some good adult leadership.  I created this blog as a way for ideas and questions to be shared with others interested.  If you have any questions or something to contribute, contact me.

Some helpful publications are linked here as an online resource to you:

  1. -The Varsity Team Program Features vol. I

     vol. II

     vol. III

- Varsity Scout Guidebook

The guidebook has been scanned and the quality isn’t the greatest so I recommend getting your own copy at the scout office.  I hope this is helpful and I wish you the best.

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Paul Campbell
Varsity Huddle Commissioner
Oregon Trail District
OreIda Councilhttp://web.me.com/pjosephcampbell/Site/Contact.html